There are wide variations among the states in problems such as illicit drug use and underage drinking, but no state was immune from those problems. That's the finding of a new report from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
HARTFORD: The Senate voted May 7 to give final legislative approval to a Democratic bill permitting municipalities, nonprofits, and small businesses to join the state employee health insurance pool.
Even as there is buzz about some states working to expand health coverage in response to healthy economies, a number of economists are looking ahead and seeing fiscal trouble on the horizon.
Unaware or unconcerned that many state and local government workers will be retiring in the next few years and there may not be enough replacements waiting to take their place, most Americans are confident that governments at all levels are prepared to deal with a public health emergency such as a nationwide outbreak of pandemic flu.
Lifestyle changes such as improving diet and exercise are always the first important approach for the treatment of hyperlipidemia however, if the target LDL-C level is not achieved using statins and niacin, fibrates, and/or resins, at this time, ezetimibe should definitely be utilized to achieve these target goals if there are no specific contraindications to the use of the drug in each individual patient.
For those women who were randomized to estrogen plus progesterone in the Women's Health Initiative Trial, the increased risk of breast cancer has persisted since stopping the replacement therapy, but the increased risk of cardiovascular events has returned to that of the placebo group.
One-time screening for abdominal aortic Aneurysms (AAA) is recommended in older men, but there is little long-term data on the value of such screening, especially in women.
In 2007, the ACCF/AHA published a consensus statement in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology endorsing a role for coronary artery calcium scoring (CAC) in cardiovascular risk stratification.